English testing is an important part of any clients immigration plan.

Many of our clients find IELTS or TOFEL tests frustrating, to say the least.

We are aware that any English test is subjective.

The below table list the comparative score between various accredited English Language Testing systems

English Language
proficiency level
Test component IELTS TOEFL iBT PTE Academic Cambridge English:
Advanced (CAE)*
Functional Average/total/overall across test components only 4.5 32 30 147 n/a
Vocational Listening 5.0 4 36 154 B
Reading 5.0 4 36 154 B
Writing 5.0 14 36 154 B
Speaking 5.0 14 36 154 B
Competent Listening 6.0 12 50 169 B
Reading 6.0 13 50 169 B
Writing 6.0 21 50 169 B
Speaking 6.0 18 50 169 B
(for points tested Skilled visas)
Listening 7.0 24 65 185 B
Reading 7.0 24 65 185 B
Writing 7.0 27 65 185 B
Speaking 7.0 23 65 185 B
(for points tested Skilled visas)
Listening 8.0 28 79 200 A
Reading 8.0 29 79 200 A
Writing 8.0 30 79 200 A
Speaking 8.0 26 79 200 A

*From 1 January 2015 and only for a Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) test taken on or after 1 January 2015.

It’s more about the learning how to do the test then your standard of English. 

Many people who sit the IELTS test are of the belief that the test scores are designed to force students to fail. Many students find themselves in the frustrating position of having just fallen below their target score or when they re-sit the test again they get different results in each component.  It is made worst by the fact that the points allocation system used for skilled Migration is unfair in that it does not recognise partial or overall scores.  You can have eight and sevens in all subjectcomponets except one and fall below the threshold required and not benefit from you achievements.

Many Migration and educational professionals are of the view that consideration should be given by the government to awarding additional points to those students who achieve an overall score of 7 or 8, but fall below in one component, should be awarded 5 or 15 points for respectively.

The appeal/review process in IELTS is not the best and does little to instill confidence in the testing system.

IELTS is a multi-Million dollar business generating over to a billion dollars plus a year to the Australian economy and as much as we may question it’s merits and administration it is one of the evils that we must triumph over.

So as to assist students in their IELTS study plan we have included links below to sites that other clients have recommend to us. We are also pleased to help our clients find a tutor or study group, This is a free service  and we receive no commissions in making these referrals.

Recommended Links (Online)

One thought on “IELTS/TOEFL

  1. Applicants for the following visa subclasses can provide scores from a TOEFL iBT or PTE Academic test from 23 November 2014, or from a Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) test taken on or after 1 January 2015:

    Distinguished Talent (Australian support) (subclass 124)
    Business Talent (subclass 132)
    Former Resident (subclass 151)
    Business Owner (provisional) (subclass 160)*
    Senior Executive (provisional) (subclass 161)*
    Investor (provisional) (subclass 162)*
    State/Territory Sponsored Business Owner (provisional) (subclass 163)*
    State/Territory Sponsored Senior Executive (provisional) (subclass 164)*
    State/Territory Sponsored Investor (provisional) (subclass 165)*
    Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186)
    Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187)
    Business Innovation & Investment (provisional) (subclass 188)
    Skilled – Independent (subclass 189)
    Skilled – Nominated (subclass 190)
    Work and Holiday (temporary) (subclass 462)
    Skilled – Recognised Graduate (subclass 476)
    Temporary Graduate (subclass 485)
    Skilled – Regional (provisional) (subclass 489)
    Distinguished Talent (subclass 858)
    Skilled – Regional (subclass 887)
    Business Innovation & Investment (permanent) (subclass 888)
    Business Owner (Residence) (subclass 890)
    Investor (Residence) (subclass 891)
    State/Territory Sponsored Business owner (Residence) (subclass 892)
    State/Territory Sponsored Investor (Residence) (subclass 893)

    *Closed to new applications, but family members can apply

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