Skilled Migration Assessment

Part of the General Skilled Migration requirement for a Visa as the Skill Assessment. Each profession or Trade on the skilled Occupation List has a nominated Skilled Assessment provider. Each providers assessments process varies for each position. Additional requirements such as work experience, education and level of English may apply.

Offshore Migration Agents can assist clients the submitting their application for skilled assessment.

Other assessments that must be obtained prior to submitting a visa application includes English language assessments


Australian Visa Subclasses and Points Pass Marks

All Skilled Migration Visa’s require a minimum of 60 points

Note: This is a guide only. A lower points assessment is possible for 457 visas Please contact Offshore Migration to discuss your individual options.

18-24 25 points
25-32 30 points
33-39 25 points
40-44 15 points
45-49 0 points
English Language
Competent English – IELTS 6 or below 0 points
Proficient English – IELTS 7 10 points
Superior English – IELTS 8 20 points
Australian work experience in nominated occupation or a closely related occupation
No Australian work experience 0 points
One year Australian 5 points
Three years Australian 10 points
Five years Australian 15 points
Eight years Australian 20 points
Overseas work experience in nominated occupation or a closely related occupation
No overseas work experience 0 points
Three years overseas 5 points
Five years overseas 10 points
Eight years overseas 15 points
(Australian or recognised overseas)
No recognized qualification 0 points
  • Offshore recognised apprenticeship
  • AQFIII/IV completed in Australia
  • Diploma completed in Australia
10 points
Bachelor degree
(including a Bachelor degree with Honours or Masters)
15 points
PhD 20 points
Designated language 5 points
Partner skills 5 points
Professional Year 5 points
Sponsorship by state or territory


5 points
Sponsorship by family or state or territory government to regional Australia 10 points
Study in a regional area 5 points
Points Total: 0 points