Merits Review – Migration Review Tribunal (MRT)

The Migration Review Tribunal (the MRT) review visa and visa-related decisions made within the Immigration and Citizenship portfolio. The Tribunals’ objective is to provide reviews that are fair, just, economical, informal and quick.

The jurisdiction, powers and procedures of the Tribunals are set out in the Migration Act 1958 and in the Migration Regulations 1994.

As the circumstances are different in each case it is important that  you consult a Migration Agent as soon as possible.

Generally review rights are limited to onshore applicants and Australian sponsors.

PLEASE NOTE: There are strict time limits that apply to applications for review

This can be as short as 48 hours and up to 28 days (In some cased extra time is allowed depending on the means of communication) from the date of notification .  Generally the letter of notification lists the period that an appeal can be made.

If the application falls outside the time period allowed the visa holder may have to leave the country and reapply for admission  to Australia offshore.

An applicant for review can be represented by a registered Migration Agent during the hearing.

Under some circumstances the applicant may be entitled for judicial review or review by the Commonwealth Administrative Appeals Tribunal or Commonwealth Ombudsman your Migration Agent and or legal representative can provide more information.

in making an inquiry about the the possibility of a migration review please ensure you provide a copy of all correspondence including your substantive visa  and copy of your passport.